Members Directory
There are currently 5 Members in this directory beginning with the letter H.
H. (Late) Devas
Institute visited: Kokusai Gakuyukai Sinjuku, Tokyo, Keio University Tokyo Year: 1960-63 ; Specialisation: Japanese Language and Law ; Fellowship: Awarding Organizaton : ; Present Official Address: Retd.: Senior Officer, Indian Railways 98, Vasantha Nagar, Air Port Post Office Tiruchirapalli Tamil Nadu 620007 India ; Email:
H.K. Maini
Institute visited: Tokyo University Tokyo Year: 1984-86 ; Specialisation: Space Instrumentation, P.C. Based System Designing ; Fellowship: Awarding Organizaton : ; Present Official Address: Scientist F Radio & Atmospheric Science Division National Physical Laboratory Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg New Delhi 110012 India ; Email:
Hari (Dr.) Damle
Institute visited: Deptt. of Chem. Engg., Kyoto University Kyoto Year: 1982-83 ; Specialisation: Physical Chemistry ; Fellowship: Awarding Organizaton : ; Present Official Address: Founder: Japanese Language Teachers Association, Pune Retd: Pune University ,Deptt. of Chemistry M.E.S.A. Garware College - Pune 411001 India ; Email:
Harsh Kumar (Dr.) Gupta
Institute visited: International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Tokyo Year: 1966-67, 1971-72 ; Specialisation: Seismology, Geophysical Exploration, Geothermics ; Fellowship: Awarding Organizaton : ; Present Official Address: Ex: Secretary of Govt. of India Raja Ramanna Fellow National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) Uppal Road Hyderabad 500007 India ; Email: