On behalf of Japan Students Services Organisation(JASSO) head office Tokyo Japan, Mosai conduct the EJU Examination in June & November of each year in New Delhi.
Those who pass the examination are eligible to enrole in a Japanese Universities(under graduate or post graduate school),Junior college and Special traning college( technical courses). Those who get Top Rank Score in the examination can also get selected for a scholarship(about Yen.52,000 per month)
Purpose of Examination:
The one-day Examination has two parts. Part one is to evaluate the Japanese Language Proficiency exam medium only Japanese and Part two is to evaluate the basic academic abilities in mathematics/ Science/Social Science (at Higher Secondary level)medium Japanese/English.
Miminum educational qualification to appear for the test is Class 11th.
Eligible Students who wish to study at any of the above mentioned type of institution in Japan are invited to take the test. For latest updates pls. visit our website.