Mombusho Scholars Association of India (MOSAI) is a registered society. Its select membership consists of specialists with first hand intensive experience of years of research and academic assignments at Japanese universities, research institutions and industry. Members occupy senior positions in various Indian institutions, industry and government agencies
The association specialises in promoting educational, research, and academic contacts between India and Japan in the context of Indo-Japan Cooperation for Global Partnerships as enunciated by the Prime Ministers of the two countries.
MOSAI works closely with the Embassy of Japan in India, The Japan Foundation and other Indo-Japan related organisations
MOSAI activities and services include promotion of academic and educational links between Indian and Japanese institutions and encouragement of higher studies in Japan and learning of Japanese Language.
MOSAI also undertakes research and study projects, brings out occasional publications, organises lectures, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and other such activities for the attainment of the following aims and objectives:
• To foster a spirit of understanding and cooperation amongst its members and between India and Japan.
• To promote the interests of its members and act as an accepted channel of communication between the members of the Association and related organisations in Japan.
• To organise and conduct social, cultural and such other activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objectives
MOSAI operates an Education Counselling Cell recognised by Japan Stuents Service Organisation (JASSO)to provide information and give advice on opportunities available for higher studies in Japan and a Japanese Language Institute in New Delhi to teach Japanese Language and provide curriculum advice and text books to other institutions.
This web site, we hope, will facilitate communication amongst the members and between MOSAI and organisations in India and in Japan active in promoting Indo- Japan contacts.