Dr. Ashok Jain

Contacts between India and Japan cover a wide spectrum of economic, cultural, technological, industrial and academic activities.

MOSAI mobilizes the rich and unique experience of its members to promote academic and educational contacts between India and Japan.

Our members are Indian scholars specializing on Japan. All have first hand experience of intensive research and academic work at Japanese Universities and Research institutions. Their expertise cover, Japanese Language, Management, Economics and specialized areas of Science and Technology.

MOSAI maintains close contacts with the Embassy of Japan, the Japanese companies and Japanese residents in India and various other agencies and organizations in India and Japan concerned with Indo-Japan relations.

As our members are in senior positions in organizations and institutions in different parts of India, this home page facilitates interaction amongst them.

This Portal, we hope, will be useful to all those interested in availing the services of MOSAI for promoting cultural and academic contacts between India and Japan.


Dr. Ashok Jain